Health & Medicine

Green Tea Cures Cancer And Bone Marrow Disease, Study Suggests

First Posted: Feb 10, 2017 03:20 AM EST

The effects of green tea on weight loss is widely known and it is marketed worldwide as a weight loss beverage. Some of the recent scientific studies revealed that green tea cures cancer, multiple myeloma and amyloidosis. Scientists at Washington University found that epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) polyphenol compounds extracted from green tea are highly effective in preventing light chain amyloidosis associated with blood cancer.

Green tea is the most recent addition to the list of superfoods. Apart from the already established effects of green tea on weight loss, scientists are gradually able to find out the hidden therapeutic benefits of this beverage. Most recently, they found out that green tea can help cure blood cancer.

Blood cancer is one of the most deadliest types of cancer there are, as there is no definitive treatment for it. Therefore, scientists are always in search for new and effective natural and synthetic therapeutic compounds, which can cure it. In a highly optimistic finding, scientists found that the epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) component of green tea was able to prevent light chain amyloidosis that many times is fatal for the patients, as per Publicist Report.

EGCG is a polyphenol that is also found in many other herbs, as well as in cocoa, cloves, star anise, oregano and dark chocolate. The possible therapeutic benefits of the polyphenol was recently realized, after scientists reported that EGCG was highly effective in preventing the aggregation of deformed protein molecules associated with the occurrence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, SBS reported.

In the most recent study on EGCG, which was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, scientists found that the compound was highly effective in transforming the internal structure of the light chain proteins and prevented their amyloidosis in heart, kidneys and other vital organs, according to Outlook India.

Jan Bieschke, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington University, who is also the lead researcher in the project, said, "The ECGC pulled the light chain into a different type of aggregate that wasn't toxic and didn't form fibril structures, as happens to organs affected by amyloidosis."

He further informed that, while his team is working on understanding the fundamental mechanism underlying the therapeutic effects of green tea, "clinical trials at the Amyloidosis Center in Heidelberg, with Alzheimer's in Berlin and with Parkinson's in China" are already underway.

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