Snapchat New Feature and Update: Snapchat Introduces Playlists To Prevent Story Overload

First Posted: Oct 08, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

Always wondered where your friends' stories on Snapchat are and why you should fight through numerous stories to reach your friends' stories. To solve this problem Snapchat has rolled a change to help you create a playlist of your friends' stories.

What Is The New Change in Snapchat

Snapchats introduction of playlists means the demotion of the discover page. Discover pages in Snapchat was a medium to put stories of bug publishers in front of you. But now with the introduction of the playlist by Snapchat discover pages will appear below your friends' stories.

Snapchat users will still be able to like new pages, these pages will appear under your friends' feed and that page which you haven't liked will appear below your discover pages. Users will be able to directly find the discover stories to the right of stories feed, but good luck navigating the Pacific Ocean.

The next change by Snapchat is quite a surprising one. Snapchat will no longer play all the stories with a single tap. This means no more auto-advancing feature in the Snapchat. It is surprising as this was a revenue medium for Snapchat.

Snapchat seems to have got it bang on with putting its users first. With users having thousands of friends and pages it was becoming seemingly impossible to just watch stories of the close group of friends. The new stories feature from Snapchat has just made it possible.

Snapchat will still play ads but they will be placed in between the stories users have selected. If a user selects only one story the ad will appear after the story. as reported in the Verge

Snapchat users will be able to create a playlist with a single tap to the thumbnail on the left of the name. The playlist is not a permanent one and users will have to create a playlist every day. Snapchat has not revealed any plans for the future of the stories features.

Hopefully, Snapchat may make the playlist feature permanent in the near future, till then enjoy stories from your friends by creating a playlist daily.

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