'Star Wars Battlefront' Spoilers, Updates, Release And More

First Posted: May 04, 2016 04:00 AM EDT

"Star Wars Battlefront" will be releasing new game features, and is expected to include updates for the special May 4 event. One of the expected highlights include the DLC expansion pack called "Bespin."

Electronic Arts revealed their lineup of activities for the upcoming "Star Wars" event on Wednesday, and those who are using PlayStation 4, Xbo One, and PC platforms will be in for a hug surprise -- EA will not only release game feature teasers, they will formally share the details of the "Bespin" DLC as well, beginning with the fact that it will introduce a new planet, Hutt contracts, and a new playable hero.

"Bespin" is said to feature a new gaming arena, with other game contents associated with it. There will be four fresh maps, all-new Fighter Squadron, and carbonite chamber exploration. Lando Calrissian, the hero, will also become playable.

Christian Times noted that gamers will be given 4,444 credits as a reward for attending the May 4 event. These credits can be used to purchase items such as balsters, Star Cards, and even Hutt Contracts. Play Station Lifestyle also added that EA is going to encourage gamers to use their credits for unlocking the Bacta Bomb Star Card, a powerful card that could be used to boost health for themselves and their allies. "Star Wars: Battlefront" will be playable for free at the event, for a total of four hours for PC gamers as well, so that's something to look forward to.

PC Gamer added that for those who prefer MMOs, "Star Wars: The Old Republic" will also serve up some freebies such as access to the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion that will be made available only up to May 30.

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