Health & Medicine

Would You Make It With a Sexbot? 9 Percent of Americans Say Yes!

Kathleen Lees
First Posted: Apr 22, 2013 12:59 PM EDT

Most of us have to admit we saw "Lars and the Real Girl." Similarly, we also have to confess another dirty secret: We'd probably bonk a sexbot. 'No, I wouldn't!' says one friend. 'Me, neither,' says another. C'mon guys. We can all see right through your innocent disguise.

According to a poll conducted by The Huffington Post and YouGov, which focused on our secret and pressing need to have intercourse with, well, robots, it showed that 9 percent of Americans agree. Hell yeah, we'd like to try it!

The poll also asked Americans about robots in the military, robotic cars and robots in the workplace. These are all more pressing issues, given that those are all here and affecting people right now. Google and various automakers are testing autonomous cars, robots have a huge effect on the workplace, and did we mention that we're shooting people in Afghanistan and Pakistan with robots? 

Still, we musn't forget about love and robots. 

Approximately 18 percent of respondents (when looking at a sample of 1,000 Americans, with a more even representation across age, sex, race, income and other information) said that they believe sexbots will be available for our toying pleasure by 2030.

The survey also asked whether sex with a robot constitutes infidelity. Forty-two percent said it would, 31 percent said it would not. Respondents over the age of 65 were much more likely to see robosex as infidelity. 

It's certainly a tough question that only you and your partner can determine. 

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