
Can You Actually Earn Money Taking Online Surveys?

Staff Reporter
First Posted: Mar 07, 2024 09:35 PM EST

You see the ads all the time, whether online or on TV, promising you can earn money or gift cards by taking online surveys. To many viewers, this doesn't sound realistic simply because it's easy, and many believe that if it sounds too easy, then it can't be real.

There's some truth to that, but with the changing internet putting so much emphasis on analytics and targeted marketing, companies put a surprising amount of value in the simple opinions of the everyday consumer. An entire industry has been built around tracking the online activity and purchase habits of consumers, so why shouldn't there be one built around just asking people what they want? Here's a closer look at the survey and market research industries.

It's a Little More Complicated

It's not that there's a catch, but legitimate survey companies target specific demographics for certain surveys, so you'll have to provide some information upfront. This makes sense when you keep in mind that this isn't just clicking boxes in exchange for money. These companies are buying something from you, and the thing you are selling is information about you and people like you. To do this, you have to give them some information for free in order to make sure they're getting fair value for it. If it sounds like business, that's because it is.

You might also find, when you finally start filling out surveys, that you'll be partway through a survey when it stops asking you questions. Don't take it personally. If the answers you're giving make it clear that you aren't the intended customer for the product or service, there's no point wasting your or the company's time.

You'll End Up Watching Ads

This isn't true of every survey company, but many larger companies will show ads between surveys. Some of these will also offer online games for you to play in exchange for payments, with ads nested in the game.

Ultimately, these companies are either part of marketing companies or working for advertising companies, and you've given them all the information and opportunity they need to target you with the kind of advertisements the surveys are helping them design. Again, it's just business, and the ad revenue they're getting by advertising to you just might be where they're getting the money to pay you for taking the surveys in the first place.

You Might Get Paid in Other Ways

Some large survey companies will pay money outright. For other companies, you'll be doing surveys for gift cards, reward points, or coupons. If you're frugal and creative, these latter payment methods might add up to be worth more than outright cash. The trick is to make sure you're investing your survey time in a site that lines up with your spending habits. Many companies partner with a large number of different retail brands, and while some will give you cards or points seemingly at random, others will let you choose where your rewards go.

It's About Fun, Not Just Profit

You probably aren't going to make a living off internet surveys, but if you're the kind of person who finds a lot of fun and enjoyment in filling them out, you might as well get a little kickback from it every now and then. Make sure to find a good, reputable online survey company that offers rewards you can use, and you might find the experience rewarding in more ways than one.

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