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How Tarot Cards Reading Can Help Your Mental Health

Staff Reporter
First Posted: Aug 23, 2022 02:40 PM EDT
petr sidorov on Unsplash

We all have activities we engage in to feel better and divert our attention from difficult situations. For most of our lives, we have had numerous coping mechanisms. When we are feeling stressed, we like to dance, create art, write, cook, or bake. Tarot card readings are another one of our favourite stress-relieving methods.

We are so passionate about tarot card readings that some people have three of the cards tattooed on their right arms: The Moon (for intuition and letting go of fear), The Sun (for hope, warmth, success, and happiness), and the Queen of Wands (for courage, confidence, independence, determination and finding a strong sense of self).

Since ancient times, individuals have utilised this technique to help them understand what is happening inside them and what they seek from the outer world.

But since then, some people have begun to believe that tarot card readings, just like a crystal ball or having your palm read, may predict the future. In actuality, though, it acts as a repository for data on itself. Or to put it another way, it allows you to get in touch with your best self.

Tarot card readings for mental health: advantages

There are many benefits to using tarot cards for mental and emotional assistance and healing.

It raises the bar for self-care.

For hundreds of years, people have looked to organised religion to help them find purpose in their lives and get through difficult times.

Many authors and tarot readers believe that tarot card readings are a spiritual practice that aid in a person's self-discovery.

When individuals feel fearful and depressed, it's frequently an indication that their souls want attention.

Tarot is quite empathetic. It's an excellent vortex for learning what's happening underneath the surface.

It may support treatment.

You are not forced to pick between visiting a therapist, taking medicine, and tarot card reading. Many individuals consider tarot to be an important component of a comprehensive strategy for mental wellness.

Clients can be recommended to a therapist if they suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

Tarot can start a conversation.

It's a great opportunity to examine how the same situation may lead to various stories and interpretations if someone pulls the death card and their interpretation is different. The death card] need not be detrimental. It may be used to discuss changes in our life.

This interaction can be used to discuss solutions with clients. 

It resembles the actual world.

Many conventional decks categorise tarot cards according to whether they are male or female.

Kings and queens, which are manifestations of monarchy, sit at the top of the hierarchy.

However, non-conformist decks are being created by various artists. People may be able to perceive their mental health issues from several angles as a result of this.

People who don't feel like they belong in organised religion can connect spiritually through tarot.

Even if organised faiths are practised by fewer adults than ever before, some people still do. Tarot readings could conflict with what these individuals think about God. Tarot may not be able to assist you if this is the situation.

The readings would make them feel guilty about using tarot cards. 

The effectiveness of various mental health therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy and group therapy has been the subject of much investigation.

In this type of therapy, you discuss behaviours and place them in the right context. You must take a step back and consider yourself critically and logically in order to do this.

Tarot is another tool for fostering self-reflection, though it hasn't received nearly as much research. You must examine your intentions, behaviours, ideas, and beliefs, and you must have some trust that the card you choose will aid in your understanding of these things.

Tarot requires you to suspend disbelief and be receptive to what may seem impossible. Some folks are unable to accomplish it.

It doesn't take the place of treatment. Some persons should continue to visit a therapist.

Using tarot cards is not a replacement for medical care, prescription drugs, or treatment regimens.

Tarot card readings are not recommended for those who have serious, persistent mental illnesses and persistent paranoid or psychotic symptoms. This is due to the fact that using tools like those in tarot, which have such profound significance and rich imagery, can occasionally make these symptoms worse.

The cards' multiple meanings make it simple to misinterpret them or use them to support your own prejudices.

Patients should be advised to consult a physician or nurse before making serious medical choices.

When making non-medical decisions, such as moving professions or relationships, you should consult with many tarot readers.

As with most things, it is crucial to get a second opinion.

Some people use tarot card readings to help with their mental health. Tarot readings could help you figure out what's happening, find answers, and start a conversation with a therapist.

There is a spiritual element to tarot cards, which may appeal to people who don't like organised religion. So, tarot could be hard for you to accept or could go against what you believe. Also, it may help with therapy, but it is not a replacement for therapy.

Because the cards can mean different things, it might be tempting to see what you want to see. Experts say that getting a second opinion can help reduce confirmation bias.

What's left to say? Tarot cards could be helpful if they make you feel calm and happy. 

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