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Top Tips for Surviving and Thriving When Studying Nursing Online

Ernest Hamilton
First Posted: Sep 11, 2020 04:28 PM EDT
Top Tips for Surviving and Thriving When Studying Nursing Online

There are so many benefits to studying nursing online. This is true whether you are an undergraduate with a passion for helping others and dreams of becoming a registered nurse, or whether you are already a highly qualified, experienced nurse looking to advance your education even further. However, just because you will not need to worry about traveling to campus every day does not mean that the journey will be easy! It will still require dedication, perseverance, motivation, and lots of hard work! 

Before you embark upon this exciting, educational endeavor, here are some top tips to help you survive and thrive from day one through to when you are finally awarded your online nursing certificate.

Choose the right college 

There are many online nursing colleges offering access to programs that will enable you to obtain a variety of seemingly impressive online nursing certificates. However, not all of these programs or colleges will be quite up to scratch in terms of quality, accreditation, and support. To make sure that you select the right college, it is important to take note of the following:

Work on your time management and self-discipline 

Successful online nursing students all have impeccable time management skills and have all learned how to prioritize their workflow. Further to this, they are especially adept at keeping themselves motivated and sticking to a well-planned, yet flexible schedule. Time management and self-discipline go hand in hand to ensuring success for students in pursuit of online nursing certificates. So, how can you make sure that you perfect both of these crucial online learning components? Here are some pointers:

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the NCLEX exam 

Upon receiving their online nursing certificates and degrees, all nursing students in the United States of America will need to take and pass the NCLEX exam before being cleared to practice nursing in a medical facility. This exam lasts approximately six hours, with two optional breaks and a short tutorial included in this time. Follow these guidelines to help you ace it first-time:

Do not worry if you do not manage to pass the exam the first, or even second time around. It is easy to re-register and re-take the exam at a time convenient to you. Do note, however, that you will need to wait for a minimum of 45 days between each examination. 

Form a study group 

Just because you are not studying at a traditional university does not mean that you should not have any interactions with other students. Why not take action and form a study group with other postgraduate nursing students who are pursuing the same or similar online nursing certificates as you? There is plenty of research to show that group study is more beneficial than self-study. This is because when you study in a group, there are certain to be fewer distractions, you can all help each other with different aspects of the coursework, and there will be individuals to hold you accountable if you do not live up to your full potential. 

Do keep in mind, however, that not all study groups are conducive to online learning success. For example, if the group tends to get too talkative or it is challenging for everyone to stick to scheduled times for meetings, you might be better off studying on your own, but some social interaction will help you feel less alone. 

Figure out your learning style 

There are seven learning styles in total, each of which impacts how a person best learns, understands, and retains information. When you figure out which of these seven learning styles you most identify with, you can begin to tailor your approach to your studies to ensure that you can retain a high amount of information in less time. Here is a breakdown:

Find a mentor

Perhaps you have a friend or relative who is also involved in the medical field as a nurse? If not, it is possible to connect with older, more experienced nursing professionals by reaching out on LinkedIn or attending industry-relevant events. Many RNs will make it a priority to find a mentor who can help them to decide in what they want to specialize and how to navigate the high-pressure environment shortly after they graduate and receive their online nursing certificates. The question is, why wait? Finding a wonderful mentor while you are still at nursing school can provide you with an 'edge' and assist you in gaining valuable knowledge and insights long before you even start looking for a job. 

Think about volunteering to gain hands-on experience 

Even if you are an undergraduate and not yet a licensed nursing practitioner, you can still put your skills and strengths to good use by volunteering in between study sessions. Doing so will help you gain hands-on experience and develop a better understanding of your course material - plus, it will look incredible on your resume, too! Other benefits of volunteering for nursing students who are pursuing online nursing certificates include a significant mood boost and reduced feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

While studying online is certainly a convenient and enriching experience, there is no doubt that it can also feel lonely sometimes. Volunteering provides the perfect opportunity to reach out and help others, interact with people, and generally make a difference. After all, when you do good, you feel good. 

You might be wondering where to volunteer as an undergraduate or postgraduate student nurse. Many organizations would be thrilled to welcome you to their team, including the American Red Cross, Project HOPE, International Medical Relief, and Action for Healthy Kids. You can also be certain that your local clinic or hospital or a nursing home would be happy to provide you with a chance to assist and develop your skills in some way or another. 

Take proper care of yourself 

Pursuing online nursing certificates in conjunction with a host of other responsibilities is going to take a physical and mental toll on even the hardest working, most well-organized students. As such, it is vital to take proper care of yourself to keep your productivity and your positivity high. Here is some advice to take to heart:

Keep these helpful tips and guidelines in mind, and you will be well on your way to obtaining as many online nursing certificates as you wish! Good luck for the remainder of your online educational journey. 

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