Health & Medicine

Foods and Supplements - Can They Boost Your Libido?

Ernest Hamilton
First Posted: Sep 09, 2019 04:14 PM EDT

It is not something we like to talk about. Or something we are willing to admit when it happens. However, our sex drives cannot work at their prime for our entire lives. Age, health, pressure, and our happiness in a relationship influence our libido. 

There are some instant solutions to these occurrences. But before you head towards the pharmacy for the blue pill, give natural supplements a chance. But do they work? Can you revive your sex drive with what nature has to offer? Let's take a look.

What Medicine Says 

Science has no definite answer for natural sex drive enhancers. There has not been enough scientific research regarding this topic; thus, we cannot make claims with certainty.

But there is another medicinal phenomenon similar to our perception of aphrodisiacs - the placebo effect. A placebo is healing without any beneficial chemical reactions in your body due to medicaments. 

Aphrodisiacs and Food 

The fastest way towards some love is through our stomachs. The goal of using foods as aphrodisiacs is not in the chemical reactions which they cause, but about creating the atmosphere. An intimate meal between your significant other and yourself stimulates the senses. And we want all of the senses activated after the dinner.    

Lifestyle Changes

Although supplements and foods don't have a real chemical effect on our sexual drive, there are things we can do to enhance the libido. However, you cannot buy these things in pharmacies, nor can you prepare them in the kitchen. You will need to make some lifestyle changes.

The "easiest" way to increase libido is to lose weight. A healthy diet won't only improve your overall health, but you may also wish to spend some alone time with your partner. Regular exercising is the best aid for this process. 

Changing some habits will improve your sex drive. Reducing tobacco intake, or stopping altogether, enhances the blood flow throughout the whole body.

Alcohol is another substance that affects the sex drive, especially with men. Large amounts of liquor numb our sexual senses and make it harder to maintain an erection. Or even getting one in the first place. 

To Conclude

There is no definitive scientific proof. However, just because there is no magical herb that will pump our blood to all areas, it doesn't mean that there are no aphrodisiacs. 

A romantic dinner will increase our wish to spend some time with the significant other. It works as an aphrodisiac in this sense. If that is not enough, changing some things about our lifestyle will do the trick to get things back on track in the bedroom.

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