Health & Medicine

Self-proclaimed Prophet Claims To Heal Cancer and HIV with Insecticide

Leon Lamb
First Posted: Nov 23, 2016 03:00 AM EST

A self-proclaimed prophet from South Africa claims to have brought healing to his congregants with the use of an insecticide.

BBC reports that Pastor Lethebo Rabalago, who leads the Mount Zion General Assembly in the Limpopo Province, is claiming that an aerosol product called "Doom" can heal people with HIV, cancer and other diseases.

Disturbing photos are found on Facebook showing the now-dubbed "Prophet of Doom" spraying insecticide to his congregants' eyes, face and feet. "Doom is just a name, but when you speak to it to become a healing product," the church stated in a Facebook post, adding that those who believed got delivered and healed.

Congregants were even testifying about their deliverance and healing.

"The man of God sprayed Doom on me and my ear was healed and don't feel any waist pains anymore," said Maggie Maluleka to

As the photos went viral, people are posting their hilarious, heartbroken and alarmed reactions on social media using the hashtag #DOOM.

The products' manufacturing company, Tiger Brands, then issued a statement regarding the danger of using the product to spray onto a person's face.

"Doom has been formulated to kill specific insects which are detailed on the cans, and the packaging has very clear warnings which must be adhered to," the company pointed out.

According to BBC, there have been several cases of disturbing practices among South African churches. A self-proclaimed prophet named Lesego Daniel of Rabboni Ministries in Pretoria reportedly ordered his congregants to drink petrol and eat grass and flowers.

Meanwhile, Lesego Daniel's trainee, Penuel Mnguni of End Times Disciples Ministries a.k.a. "snake pastor," was photographed feeding the congregation with stones (claiming to have been turned into bread) in 2015. He was also condemned for feeding his church with snakes and rats, claiming they were chocolates, in the same year.

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