
NASA Does Not Care About Changes In The Zodiac

Brooke James
First Posted: Sep 27, 2016 05:49 AM EDT

A lot of people believe that their fate lies in the stars, but it seems that the authority on everything star-and-space-related does not care so much about whether or not you will meet the love of your life when the seventh moon rises in the sky to be perfectly in line with the stars.

But now that there is a thirteenth zodiac sign to consider (Ophiuchus), all those who believe in fate based on their stars should reconsider how much weight they have to put on their astrological signs: the dates for the western zodiac calendar has changed, and all those who believed they were born before mid-September are Leos now instead of Virgos.

Ophiuchus people, according to The Washington Post, are those born between November 29 and December 17, and they even have new talents, as the snake-bearing sign is said to be good at architecture.

Unfortunately, NASA doesn't really care about astrology. A few months ago, the organization released a statement aimed at kids that update them on their birthday-constellation alignment, and BBC added that the updated calendar meant that around 86 percent of the population now has a different star sign. Still, just because they can make a statement for kids does not mean that NASA is okay with people thinking that Astronomy and Astrology are the same things.

In a Tumblr statement, NASA said, "Astronomy is the scientific study of everything in outer space. Astrology is something else. It's not science." They also pointed out that if there is anyone to blame regarding the change of zodiac signs, it should be the Babylonians, because they ignored the fact that the sun actually moves through 13, not 12 constellations in order for them to make a match with their 12-month calendar.

"So, we didn't change any zodiac signs...we just did the math."

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