Nature & Environment

Watch Humpback Whales Put On A Stunning Show In Pacifica

Johnson D
First Posted: Jul 07, 2016 05:12 AM EDT

A lot of people hit the beaches to celebrate the 4th of July festivities. People crowd the San Mateo County coastline to witness a stunning show from the humpback whales near the shore line.

According to ABC7 News, Allie Fitzgerald and Pete Weafer were among the dozens of surfers who have been getting up close and personal with the humpback whales on sight. "We saw so many whales, they started over there and you see the spouts coming in and every once in a while they would pop their heads up and breach a little bit," Fitzgerald said.

"Half the time I'm like, 'Allie right there, there's the spout' and she's like 'Aw I just missed it, or, 'I saw it too.' It's great. It's really fun," Weafer said.

News about whales near the coastline has been spreading as fast as the California forest fires. One couple visited all the way from Missouri to witness the show these humpback whales are doing, Yahoo News reported.

"My father-in-law lives here in Pacifica and he's been telling us about the whales," said Missouri resident

"Several out there, I mean they just come up and dive up and back down, they're just absolutely beautiful," Janice Castening said.

According to some scientists, recent weather patterns have pushed schools of fish near the shoreline and these whales go where fishes go to feed.

Jim Harvey from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories explained the situation he called "lunge feeding". reported Harvey describing how whale feed. He said whales usually do little circle underwater below the school of fish so they would become a tighter school, then the whales will come up through the middle of the tight school of fish with their mouth open.

Residents near and around Pacifica don't know how long the whales will stay, but surfers and whale watchers say they are enjoying the show.

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