
Elon Musk Hires Superhero Costume Designer To Create Modern Space Suit For Space X

Elaine Hannah
First Posted: May 10, 2016 05:24 AM EDT

The Space X billionaire, Elon Musk, recently employed the Marvel and DC legend designer, Jose Fernandez to create a spacesuit for Space X. Mr. Fernandez is well-known for his designing costumes for superheroes like "Captain America: Civil War" and "Batman vs. Superman." The spacesuit that could be heroic yet fashionable will be unveiled next year.

Tech Mic reports that the Space X is devoted to advance space flight. They actually created drone rockets to carry supplies for the astronauts on the International Space Station. Soon, Space X will transport humans into space. NASA also announced that they have chosen Space X to launch astronauts into orbit in 2017.

Mr. Fernandez said that the look they are going to unveil in the next few months is something they created in the studio. He said that Elon Musk wanted it stylish. He further said that Musk wanted it to be practical yet must look great, according to Newsweek.

Mr. Musk said that the spacesuit must both look a 21st-century spacesuit and can work well. The design of spacesuit was developed by Fernandez and the Space X boss. According to Fernandez, the suit is now being reverse engineered to make it functional for space flight.

Mr. Fernandez said Elon Musk kept on saying that anyone looks better in a tux, no matter what size or shape they are. When people put this spacesuit on, he wants them to look better what they did without it, like a tux. "You look heroic in it. It's an iconic thing be a part of."


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