Koalas display a tree hugging behavior in order to cope with extreme heat, a new study reveals.
Prenatal maternal stress leads to the development of asthma and autism in children, a new study reveals.
Minorities developing hypertension can lower their blood pressure by using a community based program, a new study reveals.
Most of the norovirus outbreaks from contaminated food occur in food serving settings and infected food workers are the major source of these outbreaks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Nearly 12 percent of American children before the age of 18 experience maltreatment, a new study reveals.
Scientists have discovered a new species of stick insect living in the evergreen forests of Damingshan, China.
In a new finding, researchers present a new species of flat bug from the past that was trapped in amber deposits.
When compared to the male counterparts, young women are known to fare worse after surviving a heart attack, a new study reveals.
Yoga has long been known to help prevent and cope with Asthma, but a new study found that yoga does not offer much help.
Exposure to blue light before and during the evening meal increases hunger and may also alter metabolism, a new study reveals.
Australia's ancient volcanic eruptions are to be blamed for the first known mass extinction in history, a new study reveals.
The risk of death following a surgery is highest, if the surgery was done on weekends, in afternoon and in February, a new study reveals.