'Turn on Those Sad Songs'? Melancholy Music Helps Transform Relationship Blues

First Posted: May 14, 2013 12:07 PM EDT

Break up blues got you down? Well, a new study suggests that Elton John was right. You heard correctly.  

Consumers experiencing relationship problems are more likely to prefer aesthetic experiences that reflect their negative mood, according to the study's findings.

"Emotional experiences of aesthetic products are important to our happiness and well-being. Music, movies, paintings, or novels that are compatible with our current mood and feelings, akin to an empathic friend, are more appreciated when we experience broken or failing relationships," write authors Chan Jean Lee (KAIST Business School), Eduardo B. Andrade (FGV School of Administration), and Stephen E. Palmer (University of California, Berkeley).

The study shows that consumers may experience serious emotional distress when intimate relationships come to an end. Thus, they often look for a surrogate to replace lost personal bonding. Therefore, while many feeling crummy following a split seek out pleasant and positive aesthetic experiences to combat sadness, under some circumstances, others will also look for experiences that mirror that mood and could also inspire sadness.

In one study, consumers were presented with various frustrating situations and asked to rate angry music relative to joyful or relaxing music. Consumers liked angry music more when they were frustrated by interpersonal violations (being interrupted; someone always being late) than by impersonal hassles (no internet connection; natural disaster).

In another study, consumers were asked to recall experiences involving loss. Preference for sad music was significantly higher when they had experienced an interpersonal loss (losing a personal relationship) versus an impersonal loss (losing a competition).

"Interpersonal relationships influence consumer preference for aesthetic experiences. Consumers seek and experience emotional companionship with music, films, novels, and the fine arts as a substitute for lost and troubled relationships," the authors conclude.

So, whether it just happened or you're starting to feel like yourself again, go ahead and turn them on. Because after all, you know those sad songs say so much.

The findings for the study can be found in the Journal of Consumer Research.

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