How to Get a Masters in Social Work

First Posted: Sep 15, 2020 10:18 AM EDT
How to Get a Masters in Social Work

(Photo : How to Get a Masters in Social Work)

Social work is a rewarding profession; however, it is a very difficult one to get into without the right qualifications. That's why a masters in social work is so important, as it opens the door to countless possibilities and roles within the social work sector, and helps you stand out from others when applying for similar positions. 

Social work covers a wide spectrum of roles and responsibilities and can range from helping rehabilitated criminals overcome the challenges of re-entering society effectively, providing the right support and care to struggling individuals or families, and helping those who are recovering from substance addictions like drug addicts and alcoholics. Social work is important and helps so many people within the local community. However, the best way you can get into this rewarding field of work is by obtaining a masters in social work. This article will provide you with some useful information about a masters in social work. 

Why You Should Study For a Masters in Social Work

There are plenty of good reasons why individuals should pursue a masters in social work. The main reason, however, is that it's a qualification which enables you to earn a lot more within the social work industry when compared to those who don't have one. On average, those who have a masters in social work can expect to get paid around $15,000 more than people who don't have one annually, which is a life-changing amount of money. It's also a qualification that can help you progress, as there are a lot of courses and certifications that are only accessible once a masters is in the bag. Obtaining these further educational degrees can equip individuals with the expertise and skills to make a serious living in the social work industry and may even help them to open up their own clinical practice. 

The quality of education that students receive when doing a masters in social work is also excellent. It gives them an important insight and knowledge to allow them to be the best they can be within the social work area, but also gives them the opportunity to specialize in a specific field within the industry, meaning it's perfect for those who already know what they want to do in life. For those who don't, the course is also great as it can teach you many transferable skills which are invaluable and can benefit your day-to-day life. As well as academic and practical knowledge, it can also give you crucial research skills meaning you'll be excellent at gathering data and information as well as analyzing that data so that you can better solve problems. 

Social work is also a really good industry to get into right now, as it's one of the fastest-growing - if not the fastest - industries in the United States. It is estimated by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics that there will be an increase in demand of 16% by 2026. This means that it'll be a far less competitive field than other industries, meaning that you won't have to spend as much time job searching. There's also a wide variety of roles, meaning you'll be able to find something that's significant and rewarding for you.

However, one of the most important benefits of a masters in social work is that it enables you to make a difference in the community and make a difference to people's lives, which is great for those who advocate for social justice.

Ways To Get a Masters in Social Work

There are a couple of ways you can obtain a master's in social work, with both options being viable depending on your current situation. Many colleges within the United States offer this course to be studied on campus, however, you do need to have obtained a bachelorettes degree before applying as well as maintain an average GPA of at least 3.0. Most courses also require you to write an essay of intent, where you talk about why you want to do the course, why the institution should choose you, and what kind of experience and qualifications you have prior to the course. You also need to send in a resume with your application, so to help you stand out, it's best to try and get experience within social work before applying, as that will make you a prime candidate for the position. 

You can also study the course online, with the exception of a minimum of two practical experiences where you will work out in the field of social care. There are many benefits of doing a masters in social work online, but it all comes down to your preferences, financial capabilities and situation. 

At College

College education can be far more personal than an online degree, and this traditional way of learning can have many benefits. Learning in a classroom or lecture theatre can help improve concentration as there will be far less distractions than at home. Some people may also feel more comfortable learning in a more familiar and traditional environment and feel more engaged in that setting, which can aid learning. Perhaps one of the better advantages of doing a masters in social work at a college is that it is far less isolating and allows you to network with other students better, however, there are still reasons why people prefer online instead.


With the power of the internet, doing an online course is now a plausible option as lectures can be done through conferencing software such as Zoom, and PowerPoints and other resources can simply be uploaded to shared cloud storage. Online courses are far more accessible, as they allow people from all over the country and beyond to be a part of a university or college. This means that people don't have to uproot their life and move to gain an education at the institution they want. There are many places that are offering online masters in social care, because of the wide array of potential benefits.

Benefits of an Online Degree

Online degrees are still a strange prospect to many people, but they do have some nifty advantages that make them rather attractive propositions. The main point is that an online degree has no less value to one that's obtained in person at a campus, and because of this many more Americans are going down this route to obtain their education. Here are a few more reasons why it can be a great choice for study: 


Choosing an online course gives you the flexibility to dictate which studying environment works best for you. You're able to learn in your bedroom, home office, and even out in a coffee shop, giving you a sense of freedom and mobility that you will appreciate. 

It's also far easier to plan your life around an online course as you can tackle it at your own pace and access lectures when it suits you. This means that many Americans can study a course such as a masters in social work around their daily life, meaning that those that work fulltime hours, or are fulltime parents can study and learn effectively around their other commitments. 

Improves Employment Prospects

Doing an online degree can make you far more employable to businesses and organizations within the social work industry. In a survey conducted by The Learning House, which you can view by clicking here, 44% of online students reported improvements in their employment standing, such as obtaining a full-time position within 12 months of graduation, with 45% of those people reporting a hefty salary increase. 

By the time you finish your masters in social work you'll obtain a vast amount of experience and knowledge which can impress employers and help you land your dream job more easily so that you can begin the process of progressing your career. 

Cheaper Than a Traditional Degree

A lot of people are put off by the prospect of obtaining a degree because of the financial strain it can put on households. Most institutions have their own tuition fees, housing costs and other small expenses which can be hard to afford without a loan, meaning that many people are stuck with debt for the rest of their lives. Doing an online course can be cheaper as although you still have to pay tuition fees, these may be reduced slightly due to the nature of the form of education. The main avenue of savings though, comes from the fact that you won't have to pay accommodation fees, which can save you between $10,000 to $12,000 a year, as well as transport which can also add up. 

Additionally, those who obtain a masters in social work may also be able to get something called debt forgiveness if they end up working in the public sector (which most social working jobs are in). Individuals who obtain a degree, use it to get a job in the social work sector, and then spend ten years there paying off their debts will be eligible to apply to have the rest of their debts completely wiped, which can help make this form of education even more affordable.

Tips On How To Succeed In Your Degree

Getting into a masters in social work can be a little tricky, however, doing well in it can be even harder, especially if you are going down the online route. To ensure that you do well in your degree it's important that you apply good discipline and put good measures in place to help you maximize your chances of success. One of the main ways to help you succeed is to keep the motivation and determination to do well. This shouldn't be hard for individuals who are desperate to get into social work, but for those that might be lacking incentive, it might be worth taking key steps to gain motivation, such as setting goals, plotting your progress and using rewards to encourage good habits. 

As well as motivation, here are some other tips to help you succeed in your masters in social work:

Be Organised

There's a lot of information to take in when studying for any degree, and this is also the case for a degree in social work. It's important to stay organized and manage your time spent learning, studying and revising well. It's best to have a schedule and to stick to it, as that can help you be more structured and disciplined, as it allows you to allocate your time most effectively. Storing resources and notes in designated folders can be very useful as it can prevent you from losing key information and knowledge.

Take Notes

Note-taking is vital for success in any degree and is something that every student should do. When sitting in on a lecture you shouldn't rely on your memory alone to store the information you're receiving. Taking notes allows you to digest what you've just learned and helps you process it better too, making it more likely to stay in your long-term memory. The best practice is to take notes at your lectures and try to jot down as much information that you find to be useful. Then, it's a good idea to rewrite those notes again in a much more organized and visually appealing way as the process will help you learn and remember the information.

Don't Skip Classes 

It can be tempting to miss out on a few lectures, especially if they're early and you really want a lie in but doing so can be very detrimental to your learning. There's a lot to get through when studying social work, meaning missing just one class can set you back a significant amount. Even if the lectures are recorded and stored for you to view at your leisure, you shouldn't rely on those as it makes you passive in the experience and also doesn't allow you to question things that don't make sense to you.

Utilize The Resources Available to You

Enrolling in a college or university, even online, opens you up to a vast amount of resources such as an online library catalog, podcasts, journals and other resources. Your access to these fountains of information doesn't last forever so it's important to make the most of them when you can. There are also other good resources online, so with all of this, there's plenty of scope for you to improve your knowledge and understanding. 

It's also worth pointing out that your professor or tutor is a resource as well, and a valuable one at that. You should make a habit of using them and contacting them if you're unsure about anything, or even if you're not, a personal meeting with them can really enhance your understanding, and most of the time they'll be extremely happy to accommodate you. 

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