On the Rebound? Why Old Flames may Use Sex with a New Partner as Revenge

First Posted: Jan 29, 2014 12:13 AM EST

A recent study shows how partners who may have been dumped could take what's often referred to as "revenge" or "rebound" sex in the hopes of getting even with their old mate.

According to lead study authors Lynne Cooper and Lindsey Barber at the University of Missouri, they studied the emotional and sexual responses of 170 undergraduate students who had experienced a break-up within the last eight months.

All participants were required to keep a weekly diary as well as complete surveys and interviews over the 10 to 12 week study period regarding their emotions, sexual activity and motivation behind sexual encounters.

Study results showed that as early as the first four weeks out of the relationship, one third of the students had already been on the rebound in a sexual fling.

Statistics also showed that 35 percent had sex to help them get over an ex-partner, with 25 percent reporting their reasoning as a method of revenge (because that makes a LOT of sense. NOT.)

"People really do use sex as a way to get over or get back at their ex-partner in the aftermath of a breakup", Cooper said, via Live Science.

However, researchers found that the chances of revenge or rebound sex faded over time. For instance, by five months, participants were no more likely to use sex as a coping mechanisms than those who dumped their partner.

"People are more likely to have sex for a variety of maladaptive reasons in the aftermath of a romantic relationship breakup especially if they were "dumped" or were in a highly committed or long-standing relationship.

"These data provide clear support for common rebound lore, suggesting that people do indeed use sex in the aftermath of a breakup to help them cope with their feelings of distress and to get over or get back at their ex-partners."

At the end of it all, instead of making someone else miserable through an intimate experience used as a technique for "revenge," maybe other alternatives should be considered?(Going to the movies. Getting a haircut. Eating a pack of Skittles. Etc.)

More information regarding the study "Rebound Sex: Sexual Motives and Behaviors Following a Relationship Breakup" can be found via the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior

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